The Canadian Arabic Orchestra offers a variety of programs, ranging in size and material to appeal to as wide a range of tastes as possible.
All programs, designed and produced in house, are presented by the CAO accredited musicians and choristers, a group that has worked together over years to develop a sound uniquely Canadian, uniquely Arabic, uniquely Canadian Arabic Orchestra.
Touring Options
1st concert 70 K CAD
2nd concert 40 K CAD
3rd & following concerts 30 CAD
1st concert 35 K CAD
2nd concert 20 K CAD
3rd & following concert 15 K CAD
1st concert 25 K CAD
2nd concert 15 K CAD
3rd & following concert 10 K CAD
Canada Wide
1st concert 55 K CAD
2nd concert 25 K CAD
3rd & following concert 15 K CAD
1st concert 30 K CAD
2nd concert 15 K CAD
3rd & following concert 10 K CAD
1st concert 20 K CAD
2nd concert 10 K CAD
3rd & following concert 5 K CAD
Ontario Wide
35 K CAD
20 K CAD
15 K CAD
Full Scale Productions

Music and song from La Belle Epoque of Arabic cinema that predated colour movies. This Canadian Arabic Orchestra production will take you back in time with Farid, Abdel Halim, Abdel Wahab, Sabah, Fairuz, Leila Murad, Asmahan and Shadia when these giants starred in black and white films in the first half of last century.

A concert that brings people together with their shared memories and personal experiences of Arab cities, the CAO celebrates these cities through the beautiful works of the Rahabanis. Originally delivered by the legendary diva Fairuz, now brought to you in a choral presentation with beautiful voices from the Canadian Arabic Orchestra choir.

A selection of songs from all corners of the Arab world that speak of our connection with nature; how our roots grow deep into earth, drawing in water and air to create life. Humas connection with the elements reflected in beautiful songs from the Arab Maghreb, to the Levant that speak of earth, air and water.
Orchestral Presentation

George Bizet’s Carmen meets Leila Murad and Asmahan in a fusion of one of the best known Western operas with the best of early 20th century operatic Arabic music. The celebrated Lebanese Canadian mezzo soprano Julie Nesrallah, recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, will dazzle you with a first of its kind performance, accompanied by Arabic musicians and musical instruments playing Western tunes in a novel and fresh presentation of this ancient art.

The Indigenous peoples of Canada opened their arms to welcome wave upon wave of immigrants to their lands, and opened doors for cultures from all over the world to share their life journeys. Many a tragic story, and many a happy encounter over the centuries gave birth to a shared history showcased by bringing together the two distinct musical heritages of the indigenous people of Arabia and North America, only to show how similar they are in their shared humanity.

The Arab rule of southern Spain for over 600 years saw many thriving cultures that influenced one another; Flamenco, is an art form based on the various folkloric music traditions of southern Spain, developed within the Gitano culture of the region of Andalusia, but also having a historical presence in Extremadura and Murcia. This concert is a reflection of this cross influence and the strong connection between two very distinct and prominent cultures that share so much, more so in music.

The first female singer in recorded history, this temple of Ishtar singer travels through time from the ancient kingdom of Mari to light up the stage. This concert is an attempt to showcase the role of women in Sufism through some of the most beautiful songs sung about the love of the creator in an all women performance..

From her childhood days and acapella recitals to the apex of stardom, this program traces the life and times of Um Kulthoum from the early 1900’s in Tamay Al Zahaya in Egypt’s Delta to the 70’s of the last century when she had earned the title of the fourth pyramid of Giza. A career spanning 6 decades and a wealthy repertoire that brough to life the best of Arabic poetry and music theatres around the globe. مروة ناجي في سيرة أم كلثوم من أيام الانشاد مع والدها وأخويها إلى قمة النجومية، يسرد هذا الحفل سيرة أم كلثوم من أوائل القرن العشرين في طماي الزهايرة في صعيد مصر، إلى سبعينيات القرن الماضي حيث تربعت على عرش الغناء العربي كوكباً للشرق وهرماً رابعاً من أهرامات الجيزة. ستون عاماً من العطاء في المسارح حول المعمورة تختزلها صاحبة الحنجرة الذهبية مروة ناجي في ستين دقيقة من أحلى ليالي العُمر
Boutique Chamber Performances

Jazz was born into African American communities struggling to bring cheer and joy into their challenging lives; nothing speaks of humanity’s will to live and share happiness louder than music, and no music brings happiness to the world more than Arabic music. Marrying Arabic music with jazz is an experience like no other.
موسيقى الجاز هي موسيقى المجتمعات الامريكية ذات الاصول الافريقية، جلبت هذه الموسيقى البهجة لهذه المجتمعات التي كافحت نتيجة حياتهم الصعبة. لا شيء يحاكي إرادة الإنسان في العيش ومشاركة السعادة بصوت أعلى من الموسيقى ولا توجد موسيقى تجلب السعادة للعالم أكثر من الموسيقى العربية. الدمج بين موسيقى الجاز والموسيقى العربية هي تجربة فريدة لا مثيل لها.

Abdel Halim Hafez, known as the Songbird, left behind a phenomenal legacy of love songs during his brief life. Orphaned, Impoverished, and sick from a very young age, Abdel Halim had a meteoric rise to success and fame due to his charming persona and enchanting voice. He taught his fans to live life in the moment, to do what you love, and to love the people around you. This CAO production presents a selection of the Songbird’s most memorable songs to share with your loved ones.
عبد الحليم حافظ ، المعروف باسم العندليب ، ترك وراءه إرثًا رائعًا من أغاني الحب خلال حياته الوجيزة. كان عبد الحليم اليتيم والفقير والمريض منذ صغره ، قد صعد بسرعة إلى النجاح والشهرة بسبب شخصيته الساحرة.

Born to Halim El Roumi, a musician, composer and director of Radio Liban, who only supported her singing after she won a singing contest without his knowledge; Majida El Roumi rose to become a household name in every corner of the Arab world and beyond with her sweet voice, her selective choice of lyrics and music working with the most notable poets and composers of the time and rising to stardom delivering fine Arabic art with a unique style and repertoire like no other.
The Canadian Arabic Orchestra’s Nour Khedder brings some of the best of Majida’s songs to the stage, with her own unique style, voice and delivery accompanied by members of the Canadian Arabic orchestra musicians and singers.
ابنة حليم الرومي ، الموسيقي والملحن والمخرج في راديو لبنان الذي كان الداعم الأول لها بعد فوز ماجدة الرومي بمسابقة غنائية في صغرها ، وكانت مفاجأة له. صعدت ماجدة الرومي لتصبح اسمًا مألوفًا في كل ركن من أركان العالم العربي وخارجه بصوتها الجميل ، و باختيارها الانتقائي للكلمات والألحان حيث أنها تعاملت مع أبرز الشعراء والملحنين لتقدم فنآ عربيا راقيا بأسلوب فريد من نوعه ومخزون من الأغاني لا مثيل له. عضوة الكورال الكندي العربي نور خضر تقدم بمرافقة مجموعة من أعضاء الأوركسترا العربية الكندية باقة من اجمل اغاني ماجدة الرومي.