Location: Aga Khan Museum, Toronto
Time: 7:30 pm
The Canadian Arabic Orchestra and The Canadian Arabic Choir present "Mwashahat Wa Qudood" a selection of Arabic songs with Andalusian flavors, composed by (Sayyed Darwish, Sabah Fakhry, Abdul Wahhab, Omar Al Batsh, Zakariyya Ahmad) “Mwashahat Wa Qudood” One of the most magnificent gems in the history of Arabic music… The Mwashah, a word that comes from the word Wishah which literally means a scarf adorned with ornaments is a poetic form that originated in Andalusia during the tenth century. The poems of the Mwashah abandon the strict rhymes of Arabic poetry and instead follow colorful rhythms with melodies decorated with beautiful melodic ornamentation. The Qudood came into being around the 18th century in Syria and were inspired by the mwashah although much simpler in form and rhythm. This music will take you back to majestic times, to the days of sultans and evenings of serenity and beauty
الأوركسترا الكندية العربية والجوقة الكندية العربية تقدم .... العرض الموسيقي : موشحات وقدود" حيث تقدم الأوركسترا والجوقة مجموعة مختارة من الموشحات والقدود لعمالقة الموسيقى العربية (سيد درويش / صباح فخري /محمد عبد الوهاب /عمر البطش/ زكريا أحمد)